The latest addition to the Pinky:St girls are the re-release of the Evangelion Girls version 1. This release features Asuka and Rei in their plugsuits. Asuka wears a red-plugsuit while Rei wears a white one!
The face of the version 1 Asuka is that of Kokoro's. To differentiate her from the version 2 Asuka, she's now called Asako. It's a beautiful name and it means "morning child" in Japanese.

The face of the version 1 Rei is that of Moes. She has glowing red eyes and wears a pair of white cat ears. She's been renamed Rie which is Japanese for "gifted with logic"

Both sets of Evangelion girls already met and they instantly got along well. I'm sure the other girls will also welcome them warmly.

1 comment:
Rie and Asako...nice new names! i like Rie. she has a very kind face and gentle big red eyes. and of course, she is so unique with her blue hair! thats actually the reason i got a Rei too.
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