Monday, October 1, 2007


Originally uploaded by sacchinpinky
She comes to town with a Rabbit Scooter. Welcome the newest girl in PinkySt, Rini. Her name is Japanese for little bunny. Like all good pinkys, Rini uses her helmet for safety but remains fashionable with her cute goggles and scarf that waves at people as she drives by. She's still finding her way around though.

I'm sure the girls will gladly help her get used to the cutest place for the cutest girls (and boy) ever.


Gita Asuncion said...

aaaawww! she truly seems the cutest among them all! with matching scooter pa! i want i want! hahahaha....
ill look forward to more photos of Little Bunny! and more travels on her scooter! ;-)

SacchinPink said...

She's cute but her head and ponytails fall off a lot! I had to take out her ponytails before they get lost.