Friday, February 29, 2008

Monster Hunter Sacchin

Monster Hunter Sacchin
Originally uploaded by sacchinpinky
Sacchin, Maki and Rui finally met Mon-Chan. Maki and Rui wanted to show off their weapons to Mon-Chan who also showed her Monster Hunter costume.

Sacchin surprised everyone when she put on Mon-Chan's head gear! The girls had a great time!

Monster Hunter Pinkies

The Monster Hunter Pinky girls have arrived. They must be the most detailed Pinkies ever! Their costumes are simply awesome. Actually, only two of the three releases joined the Pinky!Pinky! group and here they are.

This is Bone. As you can see, most of her attire are made of bones from the monsters she must have hunted. She has braided hair. Her weapon is a crossbow and she has a great looking shield.

She also has an alternative get-up which is equally stunning. This time she has a giant bone club as a weapon. Her head gear is also different!

The other girl is Mon-Chan. Her costume is that of a giant cat! Her giant headgear is the envy of the other girls. Her weapon is a canine tooth.

She also loves to cook. Here she is preparing dinner. Her costume is also different and her hair is cute.

I heard the girls dropped by to visit Mon-Chan. I wonder what happened.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Meet the Newcomers

Meet the Newcomers
Originally uploaded by sacchinpinky
When Sacchin and Maki came back from their recent U.S. trip, they brought with them four new girls! The girls were so excited to meet their new family and friends.

Sacchin introduced the new girls to their sisters when they had a get together recently. The new girls are Sumiko, Moriko, Rai and Mieko.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

California Trip

Sacchin and Maki have just returned from their California trip and they have so many stories to tell. The girls literally roamed around the State in the middle of winter. It was good that the weather cooperated during their first week of stay there.

Maki had fun touring Old Sacramento. Her first stop was the Old Sacramento visitor's center where she found a lot of historical artifacts about the state capital's past!

From here, Maki visited the State Capitol Gardens where she found native plants and trees of California. There were also several monuments there honoring Californians who fought in the Vietnam and World Wars.

Maki also went skiing and snowboarding at the Boreal Ski Resort! Hmmm... it looks like she's shivering in this photo though!

Of course Sacchin also went around California. Maki and her went to see the Muir Woods National Monument. They walked on trails surrounded by redwoods that are thousands of years old! Maki took this photo of a dazed Sacchin in the woods.

From the woodlands, the girls went to the Muir Historic Overlook. This was used by American forces to watch out for enemies coming from the Pacific Ocean during World War II. Of course, these became obsolete after the invention of radars.

The girls were told that on a clear day, one can have a stunning view of the city of San Francisco, including its landmark Golden Gate bridge. Maki and Sacchin enjoyed watching the sunset from there.

Another site the girls enjoyed was the Sundial Bridge at the Turtle Bay Exploration Area. The bridge is hailed as a stunning engineering and architectural wonder. It crosses the historic Sacramento River. The girls were told that the sundial doesn't work during winter because of the sun's position. However, it is highly accurate during the summer solstice in July.

Unfortunately, it started to rain the following week and the girls had no choice but to stay home. Some friends dropped by to cheer them up and play with them. It was still raining by the time the girls left for the Philippines.